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Apostolic Principles for this Generation

Consider the following heart issues to be the necessary vitamins that will enable you STAND STRONG in this generation.

1. Love God with all your heart, soul and strength.
2. Know your unique calling, so that you do not need to compete with anyone.
3. Honor fathers and mothers, both spiritual and parental.
4. Be faithful to the local church wherein the Lord has located you.
5. Be a tither irrespective of the various teachings and mindset against it.
6. Be hospitable and generous in this life so as to leave a legacy that cannot be erased.
7. Cultivate the life of personal prayer life that will help you related with God and stay afloat in these dangerous waters of life and ministry.
8. Honor your family and marriage if you are in any, as required biblically.
9. Organize your time and calendar to create room for resting, eating well, and having personal fellowship with your minister friends, no matter how anointed you are.
10. Don’t heap a title on yourself lest you attract unnecessary battles. Ensure what you think you are, is attested by God and others.
11. Ensure that you are actually sent by someone, before you undertake all your ministerial enterprise locally or globally. It will save you many troubles in the end.
12. Find and use your money in proper manner don’t be greedy.
13. Be a reader of good books and listening to other ministers who carry grace, because your own revelations cannot bring all the impact needed today.
14. If your are married, your spouse is more than 1000 churches. If you are single, concentrate on the Lord’s work, God will still work with you.
15. Do not carry yourself around as a very important person in this season, others came and went. Just do your work humbly; loving God’s people as they are.
16. Develop your spiritual discernment so that your spiritual connections and relationships are divinely ordered of the Lord.
17. Remember to involve your children in ministry, if you have them and don’t be intimidated by critics. Noah built a whole Ark and only his family made it in.
18. Take care of your character as a minister. Keep your words and promises and learn to keep time as you interact with other people of God.
19. Be faithful to your spiritual leader personally and avoid offenses in your heart.
20. Finally for now, be a worshipper, that’s the primary calling of a minister.

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